Recent Updates

Update to how you manage Survey Responses

Coming Soon
Launched on
August 16, 2021

In response to user feedback we're working on an update to make it easier to manage survey responses. We're working towards releasing our first update in September. 

Easier navigation

We'll be introducing a new response table view, enabling you to navigate your survey responses more easily, preview the response, sort by column and use existing filters. 

Bulk actions

To help manage your data, you'll be able to perform bulk actions on selected responses, allowing you to force complete your partial responses, delete and export in bulk. 

Image showing the beta feedback notification.

Sign up to share your feedback 

To help us continue to improve the way survey responses are managed in SmartSurvey, we'd like to speak to our users to better understand where we should focus next and get your feedback before we launch. 

If you're interested in having a 20-30 minute video call with our Product Team, please complete the form via the link below and we'll be in touch. 

Get started and create your first survey

If you would like more information then please get in touch.