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Identify insights quicker with new trend charts

Launched on
May 20, 2024

We're excited to let you know that you can now visualise your answer choice responses and categories over time with our new trend chart options.

The new options enable you to understand how your responses have changed over time, removing the need to create multiple charts, helping you identify insights quicker, from within SmartSurvey.

New Options

Depending on the type of question you're using, you'll now have the option to switch between visualising the score (see more about question types here), responses and if you have sentiment analysis enabled on your comments, the sentiment category.

Image showing the show dropdown options

Trend Charts

Trend Charts will show multiple lines to show the number of percentage of responses for each of your answer choices, categories or sentiment categories.

This chart is now also available on Multiple Choice Single Answer questions.  

Image showing trend charts

Stacked Area Trend Charts

Stacked Area Charts are a new type of chart that stacks the lines on top of each other to give you a breakdown of the total response number, across the different answer choices, categories or sentiment categories.

The benefit of using a stacked area chart is that you can clearly see the changes in volume of overall responses, as well as the changes in volume across the different answer choices or categories.

Comparing these charts against a Customer Satisfaction score for example gives more context behind the score. For example if you have an Customer Satisfaction score of 100, but you only received 1 response, you’d quickly know the score for that period is not neccesarily representative.

Image showing sentiment stacked trend chart


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