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Carry Forward Responses

Launched on
June 28, 2024

Effortlessly pass answer choices from a sender question to a receiver question based on your respondents’ choices.
You can choose to carry forward the answers that the respondent selected, or the answers that the respondent has not selected.
This option enables you to seamlessly transition from general inquiries to targeted questions tailored to each respondent, enhancing the relevance and value of your research.

Image showing sentiment analysis alongside responses

Example above showing selected answers to a multiple choice multiple answer question being carried forwards to a ranking question, allowing the respondent to rank previously chosen options. 

The following question types are supported for Carry Forward Responses:
Sender Questions

  • Multiple Choice (Multiple Answer)
  • Matrix of Choice (One Answer per Row)
  • Matrix of Choice (Multiple Choices per Row)

Receiver Questions

  • Multiple Choice (Only One Answer)
  • Multiple Choice (Multiple Answer)
  • Matrix of Choice (One Answer per Row)
  • Matrix of Choice (Multiple Choices per Row)
  • Multiple Textboxes
  • Ranking

A few things to note before you try it out:

1) To start, add the question you want to use as the Sender Question to the survey

2) Next, add your Receiver Question to the survey, ensure that it's on a different page and it's positioned after the Sender Question

3) You can then choose to "Use previous answer choices" to toggle on the feature and configure 

See our full helpguide for further information here. This feature is available on our Business plan and above. 
