Donor feedback survey questions in this example
1. How did you hear about our charity?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Online search
- Social media
- Word of mouth
2. How easy was it to make a donation?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very easy
- Somewhat easy
- Neutral
- Somewhat difficult
- Very difficult
3. How satisfied were you with the donation process?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Neutral
- Somewhat dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
4. How often would you like to hear from us?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Monthly
- Quarterly
- Bi-annually
- Annually
- Never
5. How satisfied are you with the frequency of communication from our charity?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Neutral
- Somewhat dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
6. How satisfied are you with the content of our communication?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Neutral
- Somewhat dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
7. How would you prefer to receive communication from us?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Postal mail
- Phone call
8. Have you received updates on how your donation has made an impact?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
9. If you answered yes to question 8, were the updates helpful and informative?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
10. Would you be interested in seeing more detailed information on the impact of your donation?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
11. What is your age group?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Under 18
- 18-24
- 25-34
- 35-44
- 45-54
- 55-64
- 65 or older
12. What is your gender?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Prefer not to say
13. What is your ethnicity?
The answer should be a single choice:
- White
- Black or Black British
- Asian or Asian British
- Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups
14. Which region of the UK do you live in?
The answer should be a single choice:
- London
- South East
- South West
- West Midlands
- East Midlands
- North West
- North East
- Yorkshire and the Humber
- Scotland
- Wales
- Northern Ireland