Marketing effectiveness survey questions in this example
1. How familiar are you with our brand?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Not at all familiar
- Somewhat familiar
- Very familiar
2. Have you seen any of our recent marketing campaigns?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
3. Which channels did you see them on? (Select all that apply)
The answer should be a multiple choice:
- Television
- Social Media
- Outdoor Advertising
- Online Advertising
- N/A
4. How would you rate the overall quality of our marketing materials?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Poor
- Fair
- Good
- Excellent
5. How memorable are our advertisements to you?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Not at all memorable
- Somewhat memorable
- Very memorable
6. How well do our advertisements reflect the values and image of our brand?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Poorly
- Fairly
- Well
- Excellent
7. Have you taken any action as a result of our recent marketing campaigns?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
8. What actions have you taken? (Select all that apply)
The answer should be a single choice:
- Visited our website
- Followed us on social media
- Made a purchase
- Recommended us to a friend or family member
- N/A
9. What is your age range?
The answer should be a single choice:
- 18-24
- 25-34
- 35-44
- 45-54
- 55 or older
10. What is your gender?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Male
- Female
- Non-binary
- Prefer not to say
11. Which country do you reside in?
The answer should be a text input.