Charitable event survey questions in this example
1. How did you hear about the charitable event?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Social media
- Word of mouth
- Email newsletter
2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the overall event experience?
The answer should be a single choice:
- 1 - Poor
- 2 - Fair
- 3 - Average
- 4 - Good
- 5 - Excellent
3. Which of the following activities did you participate in during the event? (Select all that apply)
The answer should be a multiple choice:
- Silent auction
- Live auction
- Raffle
- Guest speaker presentation
- Live music or entertainment
4. Were the event activities engaging and enjoyable?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
5. Did you make a donation during the event?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
6. If you made a donation, which of the following methods did you use? (Select all that apply)
The answer should be a multiple choice:
- Cash
- Check
- Credit/debit card
- Online donation
- N/A
7. How easy was it to make a donation?
The answer should be a single choice:
- 1 - Difficult
- 2 - Somewhat difficult
- 3 - Neutral
- 4 - Somewhat easy
- 5 - Very easy
8. Do you have any suggestions for how we can improve future charitable events?
The answer should be a multi line text input.
9. Do you have any other comments to leave?
The answer should be a multi line text input.