Voice of the customer survey (voc) questions in this example
1. What is your age?
The answer should be a text input.
2. What is your gender?
The answer should be a text input.
3. What is your occupation?
The answer should be a text input.
4. What is your income range?
The answer should be a text input.
5. What is your education level?
The answer should be a text input.
6. Which geographic region do you live in?
The answer should be a text input.
7. How satisfied are you with our product?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied
8. How likely is it that you would recommend this product to a friend or colleague?
The answer should be a rating scale, between 0 to 10.
9. How often do you use our product?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Rarely
- Never
10. Have you ever had to contact our customer service department?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
11. How satisfied are you with the service that you received?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied
12. Have you visited our website in the past 6 months?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Yes
- No
13. How easy was it to find the information you were looking for on our website?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very easy
- Somewhat easy
- Neutral
- Somewhat difficult
- Very difficult
14. Please tell us why you haven't visited our website in the past 6 months?
The answer should be a multi line text input.
15. Overall, how satisfied are you with our company?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very satisfied
- Somewhat satisfied
- Neutral
- Somewhat dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
16. How likely are you to recommend our products/services to others?
The answer should be a single choice:
- Very likely
- Somewhat likely
- Neutral
- Somewhat unlikely
- Very unlikely
17. What can we do to improve our products or services to better meet your needs?
The answer should be a multi line text input.