Zapier Integration
Automate tasks and save time
Integrate with thousands of your favourite web apps to automate tasks and save time.
SmartSurvey’s integration with Zapier lets you link to more than 1,000+ everyday web apps, such as Salesforce, Office 365, Google Sheets, and Facebook to automate your everyday tasks.
A Zap is quick and easy to set up, and requires absolutely no knowledge of coding whatsoever.
How Zapier Works
A Zap is a blueprint for tasks you may have to do over and over again: “When I get a new thing in A (a trigger), do this other thing in B (an action). SmartSurvey can be both a trigger and an action, and you can mix and match them to automate just about anything.
An example might be – A new lead created in Salesforce could trigger a survey to be automatically sent to them – You can create as much granularity as you need. For instance, you might say that the phone number from your SmartSurvey contact form should be the work phone of your new Salesforce lead. Say you receive five new entries, Zapier takes each one and makes a new lead in Salesforce, customized to the way you specified in your Zap.
Without any more effort from you, data flows from one service to the other!
How to automate SmartSurvey with Zapier
By creating a Zap, you make a connection between two apps and simply select a Trigger and an Action to automate the task of your choice.
- Sign up for a SmartSurvey account, quickly and easily, and make sure you also have a Zapier account
- Try some pre-made SmartSurvey integrations and learn more about how SmartSurvey works with Zapier
- Check out our SmartSurvey help documentation for details on connecting your account and setting up your first Zap
Examples of SmartSurvey Zap’s
Link SmartSurvey to a wide range of apps and services you already use, including Salesforce, Office 365, Google Drive and more…
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