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As humans we’re hardwired to connect with and trust others. In fact, without this we would struggle to survive as a species, as we rely on trust in or...
The amazing thing about surveys is that there’s always something new to learn and even more so when you’re just starting out. As a survey newcomer, be...
While the use of employee surveys in the workplace continues to grow, there are times when you just want to check in quickly with your staff on one or...
No matter what type of business you run, a major determinant of your success will depend on the strength of your customers’ relationship and emotional...
From increased productivity, lower absenteeism and reduced staff turnover levels to improved staff/management relations, a more positive work ethic an...
When it comes to using plain language, think about your own experiences, especially when you’re meeting someone for the first time and don’t know thei...
When it comes to your research and what you’re trying to find out, the research process behind it will generally fall into two camps quantitative or q...
One of the most important factors for business success, is the ability to address customer needs. Yet, you’ll only be able to do that effectively if y...
Having meticulously planned your survey, taken time to choose the right question types and carefully crafted the wording of your questionnaire, you’ll...
When it comes to survey questions, people often shy away from asking anything about gender or sexuality. This can be for a variety of reasons, whether...
Compared with the concepts of employee engagement and job satisfaction, employee loyalty is often one of the least appreciated and explored areas of s...
With today’s highly competitive landscape and better-informed consumers, customers expect to receive a seamless, high quality customer experience (CX)...
When it comes to conducting surveys, generally you’ll be looking to get a snapshot view of the feelings of a group of people at single point in time.
Whether you’re a student or micro business, an SME or a much larger sized organisation. There’s lots of reasons why you might want to conduct a survey...
Nearly every business wants to be known for providing a great customer service. Not only does this make you feel good, but it can be a great different...
If you’re to maximise the validity of your survey data and gain reliable feedback with which to take decisive actions, you need to ensure the right ca...
Every business strives to build a thriving workplace with contented teams and staff, yet many employees are unhappy. In fact, in one of the UK’s large...
Having the taken the time to carefully prepare your survey and craft some compelling questions, you’ll want to achieve the best possible response to i...
Whether it’s customers leaving your store or restaurant, or those using public services such as hospitals, trains, buses, leisure services and more. W...
Customers are the lifeblood of your business. So, it pays to keep them happy.
When it comes to your survey, you’ll want to do everything you can to avoid bias, which can result in inaccurate or unrepresentative data.
Alarmed about a recent drop in your survey’s response rates? Worried how this might affect the quality of your data and the insight you’re able to gle...
Given how important customers are to your business success, being able to understand and manage their expectations is crucial.
When it comes to your survey it’s nearly always impossible, or at least impractical, to collect data from all the people or items that you’re interest...
If you’re to maximise your engagement with recipients and optimise your response rates, knowing when to send a survey can have major impact on how suc...
Whether you’re trying to better understand your customers, or better engage with your employees. Whatever you’re trying to achieve with your online qu...
When it comes to writing your survey, at first thought it may seem a relatively simple task. However, without proper forethought and planning you coul...
Whatever rationale you have for conducting your survey, you’ll want to achieve as healthy a response rate as you can. The reason for this is that if i...
When you consider that a growing number of online surveys are already completed on mobile, and emojis and smileys are sent in their billions every day...
From public to private healthcare organisations. When it comes to the nation’s health, healthcare organisations are working extremely hard to achieve...
Given the chaos caused by the Covid 19 pandemic over the last two and half years and ongoing uncertainty about future variants, it’s difficult to pred...
With almost a fifth of the UK workforce admitting they intend to leave their current job for a new one in the next 12 months, the Great Resignation sh...
When it comes to experiences and how they help shape future behaviour, there are similarities between consumers and employees.