Matter of Focus Choose SmartSurvey

Philip Cleave
June 17, 2019

We’re always delighted when an organisation chooses SmartSurvey, and even more so when they decide to tell everyone why they chose us.

Matter of Focus, an Edinburgh-based organisation that specialises in helping public sector and charitable organisations track and map the outcomes of the services they provide, published a blog last week where they explained the thinking behind their choice of SmartSurvey as their provider for online survey software.

They compared us against two of the biggest players in the field – SurveyMonkey and Google Forms – and came to this conclusion:

SmartSurvey comes in at number one for us, due to its reasonable price and all the functionality that our team requires, along with UK data storage.

The full article can be read here, and we recommend taking a look.

Thanks, Matter of Focus.


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