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A male survey participant shows his female partner his survey response on his smartphone, to illustrate the concept of response bias in surveys
Response Bias In Surveys
October 18, 2024
Response Bias In Surveys

Learn about the different types of response bias in surveys, how they affect data accuracy, and practical tips to minimise their impact on results.

A male hand selects one wooden block from a choice out of 5, to illustrate the concept of the single-choice question
Single Choice Questions: What They Are and When to Use Them
September 24, 2024
Single Choice Questions: What They Are and When to Use Them

Learn the benefits of single-choice questions in surveys, how they improve data quality, boost response rates, and simplify analysis for accurate insights.

Male researcher looking puzzled and scratching his head, to illustrate the concept of how to get customer feedback
How To Get Customer Feedback
September 18, 2024
How To Get Customer Feedback

Learn how to effectively gather, analyse, and act on customer feedback to drive business growth, improve products, and enhance customer experience.

Illustration of speech bubbles and question marks to illustrate the concept of structured and unstructured questions
Structured vs Unstructured Questions: When to Use Each in Surveys
September 4, 2024
Structured vs Unstructured Questions: When to Use Each in Surveys

Learn when to use structured vs unstructured questions in surveys. Discover their benefits, use cases, and how to combine them for insightful data.

Image to illustrate the concept of mandatory questions and their relevance to survey response rates
Mandatory Questions In Surveys
August 13, 2024
Mandatory Questions In Surveys

Learn the pros and cons of mandatory survey questions, how to use them effectively, and alternative strategies to boost response rates and data quality.

Researcher using survey tools for business to create an online questionnaire
Choosing Survey Tools for Business
August 6, 2024
Choosing Survey Tools for Business

Discover how to choose the right survey tools for your business, with tips on features, customisation, integration, and security to boost customer insights.

Person creating an email subject survey line
Survey Email Subject Lines
July 23, 2024
Survey Email Subject Lines

Email remains a popular survey distribution method, and in this blog we discover how writing engaging subject lines for survey emails can get more people to open and take your survey.

An image illustrating the concept of screener questions, showing a diverse group of people each holding up a tablet computer with their face on the screen
Screening Questions For Surveys
July 10, 2024
Screening Questions For Surveys

Screening questions (or screeners) can be placed at the start of your questionnaire to determine which respondents are a good fit to complete your survey.

Individual responding positively to a customer engagement survey
What Is Customer Engagement?
June 26, 2024
What Is Customer Engagement?

Humans are social creatures, our brains wired to connect with others. We can serve this desire to bond and belong by focusing on customer engagement.

Individual starting their customer onboarding process
What is Customer Onboarding?
June 25, 2024
What is Customer Onboarding?

Think about all the people you've met and how quickly you decided whether you wanted to see them again. The same principle applies to customer relationships.

Man using best practice advice to plan his next survey
Survey Best Practices
June 17, 2024
Survey Best Practices

Best practice advice from the initial design and question choice of your survey to distribution and reporting of results.

Good practice results when you implement more ethical processes into your survey building
10 Ethical Considerations For Your Next Survey
May 17, 2024
10 Ethical Considerations For Your Next Survey

Given that surveys are one of the most effective ways to get data and insights, you’ll want to maximise their quality and reliability, which ethical survey practices can help with. We show you how.

Man collecting zero-party data from his customers
Zero Party Data: What It Is and Why You Should Want To Collect It
May 10, 2024
Zero Party Data: What It Is and Why You Should Want To Collect It

From enabling more accurate and reliable data to helping to increase customer personalisation, trust, loyalty and more. There’s lots you can gain from zero-party data. We explore it in more detail.

Picture showing examples of different dashboards you could use depending on your job title and what you need to manage
Survey Dashboard Examples
May 3, 2024
Survey Dashboard Examples

It can be challenging to get to the crux of your survey data, unless you have the means to track and analyse all your key survey findings in one place. We show examples of how survey dashboards help.

Picture depicting the importance of allowing for inclusion and diversity in all of your surveys
Tips For Creating More Inclusive Surveys
May 1, 2024
Tips For Creating More Inclusive Surveys

While inclusion is crucial for nurturing a more diverse workplace and addressing inequalities in many industries, it’s also vital to building stronger, more representative surveys. We show you how.

Man exploring the sampling process
Snowball Sampling: Exploring What It Is, Its Uses And Benefits
April 23, 2024
Snowball Sampling: Exploring What It Is, Its Uses And Benefits

Sometimes you may need to research hard to reach groups, which is where snowball sampling can be really effective. We explore everything you need to know.

Picture that depicts two people reviewing data from a data dashboard
Feedback Dashboard: Reasons Why You Should Be Using One
March 28, 2024
Feedback Dashboard: Reasons Why You Should Be Using One

It can quickly become overwhelming trying to manage and make sense of large volumes of data, unless you can sift through, digest and interpret it effectively. We show how a feedback dashboard helps.

Pensive man wondering how best to answer a survey question
Ambiguous Questions: What They Are And Why You Should Avoid Them
March 8, 2024
Ambiguous Questions: What They Are And Why You Should Avoid Them

Designing your survey may seem simple enough, but without due care, pitfalls like ambiguous questions can harm your survey’s accuracy and reliability. We show what they are and how to avoid them.

Picture depicting how you can use Dashboards and Sentiment Analysis, to uncover trends and hidden insights from data
Turn Survey Data Into Actionable Insights With Dashboards And Sentiment Analysis
March 1, 2024
Turn Survey Data Into Actionable Insights With Dashboards And Sentiment Analysis

Bridge the gap between information and action with our new Dashboards and Sentiment Analysis, helping users extract trends and uncover hidden insights from their data, saving them valuable time.

Dashboard product picture depicting the need for best practice when creating survey dashboards
6 Best Practices For Creating Effective Survey Dashboards
February 15, 2024
6 Best Practices For Creating Effective Survey Dashboards

From your subject matter and audience to considerations around form and functionality. There is lots to think about when you’re building a survey dashboard. Get on track with our best practice tips.

Picture depicting how dashboards can unify survey management and analysis
Why Use Dashboards: 6 Reasons To Unify Survey Management And Analysis
February 15, 2024
Why Use Dashboards: 6 Reasons To Unify Survey Management And Analysis

Surveys are great to gather data, but gaining insights can be time-consuming, if scattered across different tools. We explore the benefits of managing data collection and visualisation in one place.

Man analysing lots of charts and graphs to do with his survey data
How To Analyse Survey Data 
February 15, 2024
How To Analyse Survey Data 

A healthy response rate is only half the battle to uncover valuable survey insights. To get to data that really matters, you need to sort and analyse that data effectively too. Our blog shows you how.

Picture depicting the building blocks behind company culture, improved through workplace surveys
Company Culture Surveys: Improving Through Feedback
February 8, 2024
Company Culture Surveys: Improving Through Feedback

In today’s competitive world the value of a strong company culture cannot be overstated with the benefits of a happier, more engaged workforce typical...

A man using decision-making surveys to answer lots of questions he has
Decision Making Surveys: Exploring Their Characteristics And Uses
January 29, 2024
Decision Making Surveys: Exploring Their Characteristics And Uses

Given the increasingly complex challenges that organisations face, accurate and reliable data is vital to enabling them to make more informed choices. We explore how decision-making surveys can help.

Picture depicting the data analysis process which can include hard and soft data
Hard Data Vs Soft Data: Exploring Their Characteristics And Differences
January 24, 2024
Hard Data Vs Soft Data: Exploring Their Characteristics And Differences

In todays, data driven world, organisations rely on information more than ever before to make decisions. Yet not all data created is equal. We show how understanding hard and soft data is vital.

Picture depicting the importance of survey respondent's privacy
Anonymous Vs Confidential Surveys: What’s The Difference?
January 11, 2024
Anonymous Vs Confidential Surveys: What’s The Difference?

While you may be forgiven for thinking that anonymous and confidential surveys are the same, the fact is they’re not. We examine these different approaches and when it’s best to use each survey type.

Taking notes during a participant observation
Observational Data: Exploring What It Is And Where It Can Be Useful
December 18, 2023
Observational Data: Exploring What It Is And Where It Can Be Useful

From business analytics to scientific research, the collection and analysis of data is at the heart of today’s critical decision-making. We explore how observational data fits in with this.

Man taking notes on how to improve his writing of survey titles
How To Title a Survey
December 11, 2023
How To Title a Survey

Given that your survey title is the first thing potential respondents see, it needs to be as compelling as possible for them to participate. We show how to devise a good survey title name.

Man conducting secondary research from a range of sources
Secondary Research: How It Can Supplement Primary Research And Surveys
December 8, 2023
Secondary Research: How It Can Supplement Primary Research And Surveys

By focusing on the analysis and interpretation of existing data and information collected by others secondary research offers a quick and invaluable source of insights. We explore it in more detail.

Picture depicting the concept of randomness in probability sampling.
Probability Sampling: Exploring The Options Available
November 28, 2023
Probability Sampling: Exploring The Options Available

Probability sampling runs on the principle of randomness, where every individual within a population has an equal, but low chance of selection, for unbiased and more accurate results. We reveal more.

Picture depicting the concept of usability testing
Usability Testing: How Surveys Can Improve It
November 9, 2023
Usability Testing: How Surveys Can Improve It

If you’re to build a successful product or service, you either need to be solving some sort of problem or meeting a specific user need. We explore how surveys can improve usability testing.

Picture depicting the representative sample method
Representative Sample: Exploring Why It’s Essential To Surveys
October 30, 2023
Representative Sample: Exploring Why It’s Essential To Surveys

Surveying everyone in large populations is impractical. Survey sampling can help, acting as a magnifier for studying large populations in more manageable slices. We explore the representative sample.

Man running a training workshop
Training Surveys: How To Run Them
October 13, 2023
Training Surveys: How To Run Them

Whatever your type of training and its aims, it’s likely to be a significant investment, so you’ll want to get it right. We show how running training surveys can help you with this.

Getting feedback from customers both good and bad
NPS Surveys: How To Use Negative Feedback More Positively
October 6, 2023
NPS Surveys: How To Use Negative Feedback More Positively

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a popular metric that people are always looking to get more value from. Yet many people don’t appreciate the benefits of negative NPS feedback in helping them improve.

Picture depicting the survey errors that can result from nonresponse bias
What Is Nonresponse Bias And How Can You Minimise It?
October 3, 2023
What Is Nonresponse Bias And How Can You Minimise It?

Left unchecked nonresponse bias can be a major source of error in your survey data, harming its accuracy and quality. We show how to reduce it in your surveys.

Busy man with only time to skim read a survey
How To Make Your Survey More Appealing To Skim Readers
September 12, 2023
How To Make Your Survey More Appealing To Skim Readers

While keeping your survey clear and concise is important for any respondent audiences, it’s even more vital for skim readers. We offer tips on making your survey more appealing to skim readers.

Employees discuss possible survey questions for a questionnaire.
10 Tips For Writing Quality Survey Questions
September 6, 2023
10 Tips For Writing Quality Survey Questions

It pretty much goes without saying that quality survey questions are the basis for the success of your online questionnaire. If your objective is to f...

Woman answering a Likert scale survey question to rate her satisfaction.
Likert Scale: Using And Getting More Value From These Survey Questions
August 10, 2023
Likert Scale: Using And Getting More Value From These Survey Questions

Good customer feedback is the key to helping organisations shape experiences that will keep customers coming back for more. We show how Likert scale survey questions can help you on this journey.

Picture depicting the range of biases that can lie in the minds of the survey creator and survey taker
Survey Bias: Knowing The Different Types You Need To Avoid
August 3, 2023
Survey Bias: Knowing The Different Types You Need To Avoid

From the bias of those creating your survey, to the preconceived opinions of those taking it. There’s probably a lot more types of bias than you might realise. So, we help investigate them for you.

Scanning a QR code to access and complete a survey
QR Code Surveys: A Great Way To Reach More Respondents
July 18, 2023
QR Code Surveys: A Great Way To Reach More Respondents

QR code surveys are growing more popular, as they extend the use case options for survey distribution, helping you to reach more respondents. We show why it’s a great survey distribution alternative.

Thinking about the sample size for your next piece of research
What Is Convenience Sampling?
July 11, 2023
What Is Convenience Sampling?

For times when random sampling isn’t possible or practical, a non-probability sampling approach like convenience sampling can be hugely beneficial. We explore everything you need to know about it.

Picture depicting some tools to help grow your business
Business Metrics: Essential Measurements To Keep You Moving Forward
June 29, 2023
Business Metrics: Essential Measurements To Keep You Moving Forward

While many businesses can successfully build a product range and nurture a core customer group; taking their business to the next level can be more challenging. That’s where business metrics can help.

Picture depicting a survey optimised for a smartphone user
Mobile First Surveys: Tips To Design More Mobile Friendly Surveys
June 27, 2023
Mobile First Surveys: Tips To Design More Mobile Friendly Surveys

With 30% of people already filling out surveys using a smartphone and that figure only set to grow further, creating a mobile first survey is now a necessity, rather than a nice to have.

An audience asking to participate in a survey
How To Get Survey Participants
June 15, 2023
How To Get Survey Participants

Given the time and investment you put into writing surveys, you’ll want them to achieve the best possible results. That’s why it’s vital to identify the right survey respondents.

Man starting to write a new survey
How To Write A Survey
June 12, 2023
How To Write A Survey

When it comes to gathering responses from different audience groups to help ascertain their thoughts, feelings and opinions, there’s nothing better than a survey.

Respondent answering survey questions on their mobile device
Survey Question Types: Useful Options For Your Next Survey
May 23, 2023
Survey Question Types: Useful Options For Your Next Survey

It can be overwhelming trying to choose between a wide array of survey question types each with their own strengths and uses. So, we explore some options for you.

Picture depicting an anonymous survey respondent
How To Create An Anonymous Survey
May 12, 2023
How To Create An Anonymous Survey

When it comes to your survey, one of the biggest questions you’ll be faced with is should I collect my respondents’ names or let them remain nameless and anonymous?

Woman views a range of infographic images
Survey Data: Using Infographics To Enhance Your Survey Insights
April 27, 2023
Survey Data: Using Infographics To Enhance Your Survey Insights

Having created your survey, and then distributed, gathered and analysed its data, you’ll be looking to report on your findings.

A picture that depicts routing a respondent through a survey
Skip Logic: Keeping Surveys Relevant For Those Completing Them
April 24, 2023
Skip Logic: Keeping Surveys Relevant For Those Completing Them

The higher your response rate, the more valid and reliable your survey insights are likely to be. Skip logic offers the tools you need to achieve this.

Picture that depicts the components that make up a good NPS score
NPS Surveys: How do I know when I’ve got a good score?
April 17, 2023
NPS Surveys: How do I know when I’ve got a good score?

While a good Net Promoter Score is technically anything above zero, which implies that you have more promoters than detractors, it’s not quite as simple as that.

Research team reviewing their data collection processes
Data Collection Methods In Research
March 15, 2023
Data Collection Methods In Research

When it comes to data, we’re essentially talking about a collection of facts, figures, feedback and events gathered from different sources. And it’s t...

Man filling out an online questionnaire
Structured Or Semi-Structured Questionnaire?
March 10, 2023
Structured Or Semi-Structured Questionnaire?

Whether you’re looking to gather insight about a specific topic and back this up with statistically supportive data, or your research is more explorat...

Man running a focus group
Focus Groups vs Surveys
February 28, 2023
Focus Groups vs Surveys

From knowing what you’re doing well and not so well, to getting the information to make the changes you need. When it comes to your business, the feed...

Man completing an SMS survey
Surveys Via Text Message: All You Need To Know
January 26, 2023
Surveys Via Text Message: All You Need To Know

From your survey sample size to the demographics of the audience you’re trying to reach, when it comes to your survey and distribution choices there i...

Picture depicting how easy it is for bias to creep into your thinking
What Are Loaded Questions?
January 24, 2023
What Are Loaded Questions?

The way you ask questions can influence the sorts of answers you receive and the quality of those responses.

Man completing rating scale satisfaction survey featuring star graphics
Rating Scales for Surveys
January 12, 2023
Rating Scales for Surveys

When it comes to survey questions, the choice is wide and varied, with each having their own advantages and disadvantages.

Image depicting the building blocks of trust
How To Measure Trust
January 3, 2023
How To Measure Trust

As humans we’re hardwired to connect with and trust others. In fact, without this we would struggle to survive as a species, as we rely on trust in or...

Woman checking out some resources to help improve her next survey
How To Improve A Survey: 3 Simple Tips
December 16, 2022
How To Improve A Survey: 3 Simple Tips

The amazing thing about surveys is that there’s always something new to learn and even more so when you’re just starting out. As a survey newcomer, be...

Individual holding up sign to promote simple language
What Is Plain Language And Why Is It Used?
November 29, 2022
What Is Plain Language And Why Is It Used?

When it comes to using plain language, think about your own experiences, especially when you’re meeting someone for the first time and don’t know thei...

Researcher thinking about how to analyse open ended questions
How To Analyse Open Ended Questions
November 25, 2022
How To Analyse Open Ended Questions

When it comes to your research and what you’re trying to find out, the research process behind it will generally fall into two camps quantitative or q...

Highlighting the importance of the Survey Thank You message
The Survey Thank You Message
November 22, 2022
The Survey Thank You Message

Having meticulously planned your survey, taken time to choose the right question types and carefully crafted the wording of your questionnaire, you’ll...

Picture depicting female and male genders
Inclusive Gender Options for Surveys
November 17, 2022
Inclusive Gender Options for Surveys

When it comes to survey questions, people often shy away from asking anything about gender or sexuality. This can be for a variety of reasons, whether...

Desk research ready for longitudinal study
What Is a Longitudinal Study?
November 4, 2022
What Is a Longitudinal Study?

When it comes to conducting surveys, generally you’ll be looking to get a snapshot view of the feelings of a group of people at single point in time.

Man in deep thought about choosing the right survey platform
How To Choose an Online Survey Provider
November 3, 2022
How To Choose an Online Survey Provider

Whether you’re a student or micro business, an SME or a much larger sized organisation. There’s lots of reasons why you might want to conduct a survey...

Trying to think of qualifying questions to use
Qualifying Questions: Use Cases and Examples
October 27, 2022
Qualifying Questions: Use Cases and Examples

If you’re to maximise the validity of your survey data and gain reliable feedback with which to take decisive actions, you need to ensure the right ca...

Customer leaves feedback at kiosk survey stand
Examining Kiosk Surveys and When to Use Them
October 21, 2022
Examining Kiosk Surveys and When to Use Them

Whether it’s customers leaving your store or restaurant, or those using public services such as hospitals, trains, buses, leisure services and more. W...

A survey invite arrives in a recipients mail inbox
The Survey Invitation: How to Get It Right
October 21, 2022
The Survey Invitation: How to Get It Right

Having the taken the time to carefully prepare your survey and craft some compelling questions, you’ll want to achieve the best possible response to i...

A random population sample that you may decide to survey
How to Reduce Bias in Surveys
October 7, 2022
How to Reduce Bias in Surveys

When it comes to your survey, you’ll want to do everything you can to avoid bias, which can result in inaccurate or unrepresentative data.

Man losing focus working through a long survey
Survey Fatigue and How to Avoid It
October 6, 2022
Survey Fatigue and How to Avoid It

Alarmed about a recent drop in your survey’s response rates? Worried how this might affect the quality of your data and the insight you’re able to gle...

Checking to see the best time to send your survey
When To Send NPS Surveys
September 23, 2022
When To Send NPS Surveys

If you’re to maximise your engagement with recipients and optimise your response rates, knowing when to send a survey can have major impact on how suc...

Lots of survey questions to answer
Good Survey Questions: Tips and Examples
September 15, 2022
Good Survey Questions: Tips and Examples

Whether you’re trying to better understand your customers, or better engage with your employees. Whatever you’re trying to achieve with your online qu...

Man writing out his survey questions
Survey Errors: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
September 9, 2022
Survey Errors: Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to writing your survey, at first thought it may seem a relatively simple task. However, without proper forethought and planning you coul...

People completing an online survey
Improving Survey Response Rates
September 8, 2022
Improving Survey Response Rates

Whatever rationale you have for conducting your survey, you’ll want to achieve as healthy a response rate as you can. The reason for this is that if i...

A smiley face emoji survey answer option
How Smiley Face Surveys Boost Response Rates
August 11, 2022
How Smiley Face Surveys Boost Response Rates

When you consider that a growing number of online surveys are already completed on mobile, and emojis and smileys are sent in their billions every day...

Transactional experience in motion as man tries to pay with app on smartphone
Transactional NPS vs Relationship NPS
May 30, 2022
Transactional NPS vs Relationship NPS

When it comes to business success, one of the most important aspects is your relationship with your customers. If that relationship is good, they’re h...

Team working on a customer experience strategy
How To Develop A Customer Experience Strategy
May 17, 2022
How To Develop A Customer Experience Strategy

Having got to grips with what a CX strategy is in the first part of our CX exploration, including how to measure customer experience, why it matters a...

Supporting marketing activities with surveys
Surveys In Marketing
March 30, 2022
Surveys In Marketing

For your business to be successful, there’s no substitute for getting to know your audience and their wants and desires.

Showing we use the tools to improve our customer experience
What Is Net Promoter Score?
March 15, 2022
What Is Net Promoter Score?

Keeping customers satisfied and loyal is a key aim for businesses everywhere. The belief being the more satisfied and loyal they are, the greater your...

Crowd demanding greater equality through diversity
Diversity and Inclusion Survey Questions for Employees
February 18, 2022
Diversity and Inclusion Survey Questions for Employees

From rewards and recognition to professional development opportunities and leadership from senior managers, there are many things that can influence t...

Thinking about using the right questions for your survey.
Leading Questions in Surveys
February 1, 2022
Leading Questions in Surveys

Bias can occur quite frequently in our everyday lives. And we are often the instigators, using bias to turn a situation in our favour. Social desirabi...

Workstation set up for home working
Working From Home Survey Questions
January 27, 2022
Working From Home Survey Questions

When the Covid pandemic first emerged in early 2020, the world changed dramatically. None more so than the world of work. Organisations with office-ba...

Clock indicating the best time to send a survey
The Best Time to Send a Survey
January 19, 2022
The Best Time to Send a Survey

Having done everything to perfect your survey, you’ll want to achieve the best possible response rate after sending it.

Putting together pilot test questionnaire
Pilot Testing Questionnaires
December 24, 2021
Pilot Testing Questionnaires

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve previously built lots of questionnaires, or you’re working on your very first one. You’ll want to maximise its engage...

Participant signing their consent to take part in study
What is Informed Consent?
December 17, 2021
What is Informed Consent?

Whether as a result of our participation in a research study, or as a health or social care patient. No matter what walk of life we’ve come from, most...

Woman offers her satisfaction feedback.
Creative Ways to Collect Feedback
December 13, 2021
Creative Ways to Collect Feedback

When it comes to feedback, we all consciously and subconsciously collect it from others daily. It’s why we adapt our behaviour depending on the situat...

Young man exploring polls and surveys for his next questionnaire
Poll vs Survey: Difference and Uses
November 30, 2021
Poll vs Survey: Difference and Uses

From the difference between surveys and questionnaires, to the variations that exist between surveys and online forms. When it comes to feedback and t...

Manager talking new recruits through induction programme
Employee Onboarding: How to Get it Right
November 23, 2021
Employee Onboarding: How to Get it Right

When it comes to your company assets, staff are among your most valuable, as having the right employees, knowledge and abilities in place, can be the...

Smiley face showing a great customer experience
Omnichannel vs Multichannel: Why It Matters for CX Surveys
November 4, 2021
Omnichannel vs Multichannel: Why It Matters for CX Surveys

While many of us will be familiar with the term customer experience (CX) and its importance to driving brand loyalty and revenue, our understanding of...

One Question Surveys
October 12, 2021
One Question Surveys

Whatever survey you create, you’ll want to achieve as high a survey response rate as you can, as this will increase the reliability of your data and w...

Location for survey presentation
How to Present Survey Results
September 1, 2021
How to Present Survey Results

Having worked hard on your survey design and achieved some great results, you’ll want to maximise their value with those who matter.

Getting the Most Out Of Your Reporting and Analysis Features
August 18, 2021
Getting the Most Out Of Your Reporting and Analysis Features

Whatever size, or type of organisation you are, having an improved understanding of your stakeholder audience has never been more critical to your suc...

Professionals carrying out competitive analysis
What is Competitive Analysis?
July 8, 2021
What is Competitive Analysis?

When it comes to business none of us operates in a vacuum.

Young lady filling out online application form
Advantages of Application Forms in Recruitment
June 23, 2021
Advantages of Application Forms in Recruitment

Given the increasing competitiveness of the recruitment industry and statistics, which reveal that 46% of recruiters are struggling to attract top tal...

Examining the Importance of High Contrast Accessibility in Accommodating Low Vision Users
June 17, 2021
Examining the Importance of High Contrast Accessibility in Accommodating Low Vision Users

As an organisation, we’ve been working hard on accessibility issues. And although we still have some way to go, we’re fully committed to ensuring our...

Social desirability bias is common during interactions with new people.
How to Reduce Social Desirability Bias
May 28, 2021
How to Reduce Social Desirability Bias

Many of us can probably relate to the following situation. When we’re in new or unfamiliar social surroundings, we will often mask our true selves and...

Watch: Discussing Accessible Survey and Chart Design
May 19, 2021
Watch: Discussing Accessible Survey and Chart Design

For Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) 2021 our accessibility consultant, Katherine Moonan, invited colour blind football commentator, Cameron...

Undertaking a training needs analysis
How to Identify Training Needs
May 11, 2021
How to Identify Training Needs

When you consider that employees are typically the biggest contributors to a company’s overall profits and worth, it’s not hard to appreciate why the...

Staff member arrives dressed for their onboarding day.
Onboarding Questions for New Hires
April 19, 2021
Onboarding Questions for New Hires

When you consider that as many as one in every five new hires are unlikely to recommend their employer, it highlights the importance of creating the r...

How To Manage Employees Working From Home
December 23, 2020
How To Manage Employees Working From Home

While millions or nearly one in four of us according to recent statistics have been working remotely from home for many months already, there is still...

Appraisal Questions For Effective Performance Reviews
December 11, 2020
Appraisal Questions For Effective Performance Reviews

Given that employees are one of the most valuable assets that an organisation has, with those experiencing the greatest success tending to have the mo...

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