

There are over 700 community and town councils in Wales. They can be in charge of lots of things in an area like playing fields, public toilets and putting up Christmas lights. But not all areas of Wales have a community or town council.  They are different to local authorities who cover a much bigger area and are in charge of things like education and social services.
Each community and town council has members from the local community who are elected to serve as councillors. These councillors represent the views of local people and have a duty to represent the interests of the different parts of the community equally. If you are over 18 and live or work in the area, you can vote in council elections and stand to be elected as a Councillor
A group of people have been asked to look at what community and town councils in Wales do and suggest ways they can do it better.
The review panel would like to hear from younger members of communities and towns. They would like your thoughts on:

1. Which town / area do you live in?


2. Before today, had you heard about Community or Town Councils?


3. If your answer is yes, do you know if you have one where you live?


4. If your answer is yes, do you know what your council does?


5. What would you like a council to do in your area?


6. Before today have you been in contact or involved with your council?


7. How would you like to see your council involve younger members of the community?


8. Have you ever considered being on a youth council or being a youth representative for your area?


9. If your answer is no, please tell us why?


10. Any thing else you think we should know?