Community Mental Health Transformation Survey


We have recently completed phase one of the Community Mental Health Transformation programme. This has been a huge step forwards for people with complex mental health needs in Lancashire and South Cumbria, with increased support from the voluntary, charity, faith, and social enterprise (VCFSE) sector, peer support workers in all locations, social care interventions, social prescribing, and mental health practitioners at a primary care level, and Individual Placement and Support (IPS) to increase employment opportunities.


We have also established multi-agency Enhanced Multi-Disciplinary Teams (EMDTs) in all areas across the footprint, enabling joined up care for those people who required support across multiple teams and organisations. We have also moved away from the Care Planned Approach (CPA) to a more holistic offer through Dialog+.


There is however still much work to do as we move into phase two of the transformation programme. We have discussed this widely and recognise the need to engage with and listen to those people on the front-line delivering services for this population, whether clinical or non-clinical. Also, to those receiving services, who are best placed to tell us what is working, and where services need to improve.


We therefore wish to hear about the experiences of anyone who is involved in delivering care for people with complex mental health needs, whichever organisation you work for. We fully intend to build local plans from this feedback, with defined transformational priorities, and as we recognise that it is you who will be delivering these changes, it is crucial that we hear your perspective on what we should focus on locally. This will build on the work already being undertaken by colleagues within the VCFSE sector to capture experiences of local people.


We would be grateful if you could complete the following short survey, which should take no longer than 15-20 minutes. We will continue this engagement over coming months and would appreciate if you could leave your contact details where you wish to be included in future engagement opportunities.

If there are any questions you cannot or would prefer not to answer, you can leave these blank or simply enter 'prefer not to say' in the text box. Please complete your responses by 6.00 p.m. on Friday 30th August.

1. Which area(s) do you cover in Lancashire and South Cumbria (please tick all that apply)


2. What locality, PCN area, or INT footprint do you work in?


3. Which organisation do you work for?


4. What team do you work in?


5. What is your role?