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PACES Tutoring - Communication Skills


Kindly complete the following questions honestly and with as much detail as you can. 
All questionnaires will remain confidential.

1. Please provide your contact information below: *


2. Which country did you study medicine in and what year did you qualify? *


3. Which option best describes yourself:


4. When are you planning to sit the PACES exam?


5. How many time have you attempted the PACES exam?


6. What is your BIGGEST fear or concern about COMMUNICATION stations in PACES?


7. What do you think holds you back the MOST when it comes to communication? Is it your skills or beliefs and why?

To grow and improve you have to know exactly what's holding you back and why. Skills may be something like 'I don't know which words to say when breaking bad news' where as belief is more about not having the confidence to have these difficult conversations.


8. On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate the following statement:

I have COMPLETE clarity and have a STRUCTURED framework on HOW to communicate effectively e.g. breaking bad news, DNAR discussions and counselling for a procedure.


9. Do you agree with the following statement: 'I see the value in learning  a comprehensive and accelerated solution to mastering my communication skills' *


10. Are you in the position at the end of every month after you’ve paid all of your bills to invest at least £250 per month in yourself?

121 coaching takes great amounts of energy and effort, sadly we are not able to coach everyone!  *


11. Please confirm you are happy for an initial call to discuss 121 tutoring in “PACES communication”. *