Equal Opportunities and Criminal Convictions Form 2024
In order to check the effectiveness of Sport Aberdeen's Equal Opportunities policy we monitor a range of areas where people may experience discrimination.
We would be pleased if you would complete the form below. The information you give will not be available to people involved in the selection process and will be used for monitoring purposes only. All information will be treated in strict confidence and names will not be shown in any statistics produced. All data will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and Sport Aberdeen's Privacy Policy for Employees. Sport Aberdeen stores all personal and sensitive information securely within the UK/EEA. Sport Aberdeen is the Data Controller.
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2. Details of the job you are applying for: *
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4. Do you see this job as a promotion?
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5. Are you an employee of Sport Aberdeen? *
6. If Yes, are you currently:
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7. What is your gender? *
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8. What is your sexual orientation? *
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9. Do you have regular caring responsibilities for dependants? *
10. If Yes, who do you care for?
11. Where you are caring for children, please say how many are in each category?
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12. Marital Status.
This information will help us to monitor marital status and lone parent status. Please answer both questions.
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14. The Equalities Act 2010 defines disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day to day activities. *
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15. Ethnic origin is about colour and broad ethnic and cultural group, different groups may face different experiences of discrimination. The categories closely match those used in the 2011 Census for Scotland. *
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16. Which religion, religious denomination or body do you belong to? *
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17. I give permission for the details from this monitoring form to be held on a secure electronic drive inline with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR): *
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The answer is in an invalid format.
19. The post for which you have applied is defined as exempted employment under the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Amendment Order 1986 which means that you are required to declare “spent” convictions which you would not normally be required to declare if applying for other types of employment.
This means that the detail of any previous conviction(s) must be disclosed, regardless of when it was or what it was for.
It is emphasised that ex-offenders will only be assessed on their ability to do the job applied for and convictions will only be taken into account if relevant to the job.
(a) If you have had a previous conviction(s), regardless of when it was or what it was for, or if you have a court appearance pending please supply details below.
(b) If you have no previous convictions, or if you do not have a court appearance pending go straight to the DECLARATION section and sign and date accordingly.
20. Former Names & Addresses:
This question requires an answer
21. Protection of Children (Scotland) Act 2003 (POCA)
On 10 January 2005, the Protection of Chidren (Scotland) Act 2003 (POCA) came into force and one of its key provisions was to establish a Scottish list of adults Disqualified from Working with Children (DWCL). The purpose of POCA is to protect children from abuse from adults. Consequently, it is an offence for individuals on the DWCL list to apply for childcare position or for the Sport Aberdeen to employ individuals who are on the list.
Declaration: *