1. Thank you for taking part in this survey (it will take no longer than 7 minutes to complete), we really appreciate your time.

We plan to gather the data/results from this survey, analyse and produce a document that we hope to be rich and insightful and we'd love to share it with you. If you would like to receive this document, please submit your full name and email address below.

Please note, we will NOT use your details for any other purpose, this is strictly private and confidential and will not be passed to a third party.


2. What is your role in your company? Please choose the role which is closest to your own:


3. At an estimate, how satisfied would you say your people are with their remote working arrangements?


4. What would you say are the TWO biggest challenges your people are currently facing while remote working?


5. How easy or hard would you say your people are finding their current remote working schedule vs a typical week before the pandemic?


6. How good or bad has your company been at communicating with employees during the pandemic?


7. Compared to ‘normal’ working before the pandemic, what level of trust or distrust would you say Senior Leadership have in your people remote working?


8. How satisfied would you say your people are with the leadership and support they have received during the pandemic?


9. How effectively have your teams worked in a remote setting?


10. Compared to before the pandemic, is your feeling of inclusion and connection with your team better or worse?


11. Has your company’s new way of remote working positively or negatively affected the company culture?


12. Have your people’s levels of stress increased or decreased whilst remote working?


13. Have you offered stress and/or wellbeing support to your employees?


14. At what point do you think your organisation will start to re-engage with employees’ personal development, training and coaching?


15. If you had to guess, in this upcoming pandemic chapter how do you think your people would choose to split their time between remote working and working in your offices?


16. In your opinion, how ready or unready is your organisation to create and maintain a culture of diversity and inclusion in response to the BlackLivesMatter human rights movement?


17. Thinking without any limitations, what would be the ONE transformational step your organisation could take to achieve a culture of diversity and inclusion?


18. What ONE thing could your organisation learn from what other organisations have been doing during this pandemic?


19. Specifically, how do you believe the pandemic will change work for the better?


20. Hypothetically, if you had an extra day in the working week to do with as you please with no limitations or repercussions, what is the ONE thing you would love to do?

Use our survey software to create your survey.