
Chest Infection 

Before you begin, please consider whether you really need this consultation. Many chest infections, especially those lasting less than two weeks, may resolve on their own without requiring medical intervention such as antibiotics. Your local pharmacy may also be able to provide advice and treatments for mild symptoms.

If you feel your symptoms are persistent or worsening, or if you belong to a high-risk group (e.g., elderly, have chronic respiratory conditions like asthma or COPD), we encourage you to proceed with this eConsult.


2. Please accept the following: *


3. Please confirm that you agree to our privacy and data sharing policy. *


4. To ensure you receive the right care, we work with clinicians across the NHS, including local pharmacies. This means that your econsultation may be reviewed by a local pharmacist working for a local pharmacy or by one of our own staff members who will call you to discuss further if needed. For more information, click here.  Please accept the following. *


5. Who is this consultation about? 

All subsequent questions during the online consultation are directed at the person requiring the online consultation. You should only complete this consultation for: a) yourself, (b) for someone else where you have their permission to do so, (c) for someone else where you are permitted in law (for example, a parent or guardian, carer, someone with power of attorney). Please indicate who you are completing this online consultation for: *


6. How old is the patient? *