1. If you are eligible for support we will make contact with you to provide you with further information. Please state your name, contact number and email address below.
2. What is your post code?
3. Can you tick any of the following boxes? Please tick all that apply.
4. What is your employment status?
5. What is your current household income per month after tax? Please include any benefits you or your partner receive.
7. What would you like to achieve for yourself in the next 6 months?
8. Do you feel that there is anything stopping you from increasing your income at present? If yes, please share your thoughts.
9. In your opinion, what is missing in your local area for Dads?
10. Dads FC is a 6 week programme made up of one 2-hour session a week. Please state any days and times which would not be suitable for you.
11. How did you hear about Dads F.C.?
12. Do you have any access requirements you would like us to be aware of?