About Healthwatch Redbridge
Healthwatch Redbridge are the independent champion for people who use health and social care services. We are here to listen to people’s experiences of using local NHS services and work with the people who run the services to try to improve them for local people. We also provide information and signposting around the NHS and social care. We are a charity and independent to the NHS.
About the survey
This survey seeks to develop a better understanding of insights regarding perimenopause and menopause from women, trans men and people with a cervix living in Redbridge. It is part of an extensive Women's Health Project that has been ongoing since June 2024. We have previously interviewed women about Cervical Cancer Screening & Breast Cancer Screening and discovered many findings about barriers they have faced whilst accessing these screening services.
What will you do with what I tell you?
We will share the information we receive from women, trans men and people with a cervix completing this survey with local stakeholders. This will enable the people who run the services to understand the impact on women, trans men and people with a cervix's health and wellbeing and improve support to those who need it most.
What else do I need to know?
This survey is anonymous. We are not asking for any personal information, just about your experiences.