Women's RYG Application Form



To apply for a place at Women's RYG please complete this form.



1. First Name *


2. Surname *


3. Email address *


4. Phone number *


5. What best describes your gender? *


6. If you selected "Prefer to self describe", please use the field below:


7. Does your gender identity match your sex as registered at birth? *


8. What is your ethnic group? *


9. If you selected "other" from the list above, please specify:


10. What is your religion and/or belief?:   *


11. How would you describe your sexual orientation? *


12. Do you consider yourself to have a disability or impairment? *


13. If you have any accessibility requirements, please describe them here


14. Are you currently on income support or universal credit, or is your total household income below £30,000 per year? *


15. What is your age? *


16. Are you a UCFB student? *


17. Which of these best describes your current employment situation? *


18. If you are currently employed, which industry are you working in?


19. If you selected either "Sport (Not football)" or "Other", please specify:


20. Where do you live? *


21. Why do you want to attend Women's RYG? Please provide as much detail as possible *