Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership logo

We are trying to assess the current levels of local awareness of the Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership (WDHCP) and its work to improve the health and wellbeing of local people. 

Please answer these ten quick questions to tell us how much you know about the WDHCP, how you receive news and updates, and where you would expect to get more information about the Partnership in the future. Your answers are anonymous and will help to inform our communications plans. 


1. Have you heard of Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership?


2. Do you feel that you are a part of Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership?


3. If asked, would you be able to describe the Partnership’s role in improving health and wellbeing across the Wakefield District?


4. How familiar are you with the Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership's vision statement:

"Our aim is for the people of Wakefield district to live longer, healthier lives."


5. How familiar are you with the Partnership's purpose statement:

"Together, we will work with the people of Wakefield District to create a connected system that supports people in their homes and communities to live healthier, happier lives."


6. How familiar are you with Partnership's strapline:

"Start well, live well, age well"


7. Have you seen, heard or read anything about the Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership in the last month?


8. If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, please tell us where you’ve heard about the Partnership (tick all that apply)


9. Where would you expect to find information about the Partnership and its activities? (please tick all that apply)


10. Please tell us which organisation you work or volunteer for