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A reduced educational provision means an agreement made with the pupil, parent or carer, and in some circumstances the Local Authority that the number of hours spent in education is reduced for a time-limited period of generally no more than two to six weeks.

Use this form to provide the Local Authority with the details of any child for whom this been agreed. By doing so we can work together, ensuring services are informed and our children protected.

Prior to starting the form please ensure that:

You have the agreement of the child’s

- Parents/carers
- Social Worker (where applicable)
- EHCP Caseworker (where applicable)

You know the child’s:

- SEN status (N, K, EHCNA, EHCP)
- Social care involvement
- Date of birth

You have completed/prepared the following:

- A Risk Assessment
- The Headteacher's Checklist
- A copy of the planned part-time timetable

You will have the opportunity to upload these documents and examples can be found below.

A copy of the questions asked in this form can also be viewed via questions that will be asked
What happens with the form? 

- The school will automatically receive a copy of the completed form.
- A copy of the form will also be emailed to where the Attendance Complex Case Officer and the           
  Virtual School  Inclusion Officer will review and share with appropriate colleagues.   
- Data will also be analysed and used to provide intelligence to school leaders and to inform the Local Authority Strategy.