Sankey Street is one of the key Gateways into the Town Centre. This scheme proposes to enhance the area making it a safer and more attractive place for residents to walk and wheel in the Town Centre.

The scheme is part of a Sustainable Travel programme, which is part of the council’s Town Deal programme announced in 2022 and funded by UK government.

You can read about the scheme and see visualisations at

The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and the closing date is Friday 13 December 2024. 

Data Protection and Confidentiality
We comply with all legislation governing the protection of personal information, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information you provide through this survey will be kept secure and analysed by Warrington Borough Council. To find out more please visit and
Other formats
If you have any concerns or questions about the survey, require the questionnaire in another language or format including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language or simply require assistance in completing the form email