Sign up to your free Learning Hub account


Macmillan Cancer Support offers free education and training for health and social care professionals working in cancer care.


Simply register with your name, work email address and a few other details below and we'll give you access to the Learning Hub. 

We'll be in touch using the contact details you've provided to keep you up to date with the education and training that we have on offer. 

We promise to keep your details safe and never sell or swap them with anyone. Our privacy policy explains how we keep this promise. If you don't want to hear from us, or change your mind about how we contact you, you can opt out at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the emails we send to you.

Please note:
It's possible you won't see the confirmation page when using Internet Explorer. Try using a different browser if possible.  


Macmillan Privacy Policy 


1. Title *


2. First Name *


3. Last Name *


4. Work Email Address

This is the email address that you use in your primary role. Please ensure this is accurate as this is how we will give you access to the hub. *


5. Work Postcode

This is the postcode of your primary place of work.  *


6.   How did you hear about the Learning Hub? *


7. Tell us about your professional role *