Spread a Smile Feedback Questionnaire

Thank you so much for completing this questionnaire. We really appreciate you taking the time to do so. Please note that this is an anonymous survey and your answers will be used to help us improve our work and ensure that we are always providing the best possible services.

1. How old is your child? *

Please select

2. What is your child's condition? (Optional)


3. Which hospital has your child received treatment at? *

Please Select

4. What is your home county? *

Please Select

5. How long has your child been receiving hospital treatment? *


6. Please tell us how you heard about Spread a Smile *


7. How many Spread a Smile virtual visits has your child received? *


8. Please rate the following aspects of your interaction with Spread a Smile using the boxes below *

OutstandingVery GoodGoodPoorVery PoorNot Applicable
Professionalism of team prior to virtual visit
Professionalism of team post virtual visit
Communication with team prior to virtual visit
Communication with team post virtual visit
Quality of entertainment on virtual visit(s)
Online safety during virtual visit
Overall experience of virtual visit

9. How could we improve Spread a Smile virtual visits?


10. Aside from Virtual Visits, what services are you aware of that Spread a Smile offers?
(Tick all that apply) *


11. Please tell us about the impact Spread a Smile services have had on your child.


12. Please tell us about the impact Spread a Smile services have had on any siblings.


13. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about Spread a Smile's Virtual Visits? *

Strongly AgreeAgreeNot sureDisagreeStrongly DisagreeNot applicable
They provide a distraction from treatment
They reduce pain and/or anxiety
They improve compliance with treatment and/or procedures
They help boost confidence and self-esteem
They encourage socialisation and help connect with others
They create positive memories
They make the hospital environment seem less frightening/scary
They improve the hospital experience
They have a positive impact on emotional well being
They are tailored appropriately to age/developmental level
Spread a Smile takes the time to understand individual needs

14. Would you recommend Spread a Smile based on your experience?

Very likelyLikelyNeither likely nor unlikelyUnlikelyVery unlikely
Please select

15. What is your view of Spread a Smile?


16. Which three words do you think best describe Spread a Smile?


17. Please share any other comments or feedback with us about the impact of our work or to help us improve