1-2-1 General English @www.flexienglish.co.uk
1. Flexi English Syllabus Selection
This question requires an answer
This question requires an answer
2. What is your email address? *
This question requires an answer
4. Which area of English do you want to study?
5. How many lessons do you want to take?
6. How long do you want your lessons to last?
7. When to you want to take lessons?
8. What time to you want to take lesson?
Tell us your timezone in the comments box
9. Which topics do you want to study?
10. Which areas of grammar do you want to study more?
11. Which areas of vocabulary do you want to study?
12. Which areas of pronunciation do you want to study more?
13. Is there a specific reason for you to take an English course?
This question requires an answer
14. Which skills do you want to study more? *