Air Quality Action Plan Design Day - Expression of Interest


What is an Air Quality Action Plan Design Day?

The Design Day will follow an established democratic process used worldwide, involving a randomly selected group of individuals who broadly represent the entire community – including residents, workers, visitors, and business owners in Westminster. Participants will learn about air quality issues, discuss them with one another, and make recommendations on how to address these challenges and improve air quality.

The Design Day will focus on developing a vision for the future of air quality in Westminster and making recommendations on how the Council, businesses, and the community can work together to achieve this vision.

When is it?

The dates and times of the in-person session are:

  • Monday 30th September

All sessions are from around 9:30 am - 4.30 pm each day in a central Westminster location. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. 

Who can register their interest?

Anyone aged 16 and over by the close of registrations, who lives, works, visits or runs a business in Westminster can apply, with a few exceptions set out below. 

The following people cannot apply: 

Elected representatives from any level of government; paid employees of any political party; or council employees working in any politically restricted post.

Will I be compensated?

If you are a resident selected to take part, you will receive £100 as a gift of thanks for your time. Participants can choose to decline this if they prefer. 

After I register my interest, what happens next?
Once registration has closed, 50 people will be selected from those who registered their interest, to take part in the event.

The process is done in a particular way to make sure that there are people from all across the community attending.
If you are selected, we will contact you by phone or email around early September to let you know. We will then arrange a call with you to confirm that you can attend, discuss any requirements you may have to be able to attend, and explain what happens next.

What will happen after the event?

Participants will have the opportunity to present their recommendations to Cabinet Members. The recommendations will be used to create Westminster's Air Quality Action Plan and Assembly Members will be updated on progress that happens as a result. There will be other opportunities for your continued involvement if you are interested. 

What will taking part involve?
If you are selected to take part, you will have the opportunity to meet with individuals from all walks of life who live, work, visit or run a business in Westminster. You will hear from engaging speakers, and you will discuss the issues involved in small groups, with facilitators to make sure everyone has their voice heard. You do not need to have any prior knowledge of the topics – all the information you need will be provided during the sessions.