The upcoming
Local Government Elections on 5th May are a great opportunity for us to ask those seeking to represent us to commit to
one key pledge on an issue that's important to our members.
These key pledges were developed by Inclusion London in collaboration with Deaf and Disabled Peoples' Organisations (DDPOs), and cover a range of topics. Once our members and friends have decided on the pledge they'd most like to see candidates make, we will ask everyone in the running whether they are prepared to stand with disabled people in Barnet by promising to make it a priority.
Please note that we will keep and store the answers you give us in this survey, but we will make sure that we keep them safe, in line with our
privacy policy. You can read our privacy policy on our website or ask us to send you a copy.
We might want to use your comments in our research, campaigns or in publicity materials to tell people about the work we do. Our publicity materials are things like our website and information leaflets. You will be given the opportunity at the end of the survey to let us know whether this is okay with you.
If you need this survey in another format or have any other queries, please contact the User Voice team at or on
07719 105 107 (telephone, SMS, WhatsApp)