S.P.I.D Survey: When is the best time for you to come to our programmes?
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1. S.P.I.D. Theatre company is a charity that endeavours to use youth arts and theatre to regenerate community spaces. We work with young people on council estates to create exciting theatre and high quality community art that is participatory, adventurous and interactive. We are currently looking at making our youth programmes more accessible. We are therefore collecting data to decide when is best to run our programmes to maximise our engagement with local young people.
The data collected from this survey will be used to improve the services offered to our participants and users.
Do you wish to participate in this survey conducted by S.P.I.D. Theatre?
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2. Are you a young person or a parent? (please tick all that apply)
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3. Have you or your young person ever attended a S.P.I.D. Programme?
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4. Do you or your young person attend any other youth programmes, after school youth clubs, classes, etc.?
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5. S.P.I.D. runs projects for 8-13 yr olds and 13 -25 yr olds. How old are you / is your young person? *
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6. Currently our projects are designed to be inclusive of people from a variety of ages and experience levels. When attending youth projects, do you or your young person: *
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7. Are you or your young person currently in: (please tick all that apply) *
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8. Our workshops currently run on Saturdays from 12-5 pm.
Are you/your young person happy with the workshop taking place at this time?
This question requires an answer
9. Would you or your young person prefer to take part in workshops on the:
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10. If you prefer weekend workshops (5 hours on one day), would you/ your young person prefer to take part in workshops: (please tick all the apply) *
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11. If you/your young person prefer weekday evening workshops, which of the following times would work for you?
(please tick all that apply) *
This question requires an answer
12. If you/your young person prefer weekday evenings, which weekday would you prefer?
(please select all options that would work for you)
13. Any other questions, comments or thoughts?