Pupil Questionnaire 2024

Talk Education is a guide to the best independent schools in the world. 

We would be very grateful for your help in answering the following questions, giving us as much detail as possible. Imagine you’re showing a prospective pupil round your school: what would you tell them? What are the most important things they’d need to know to help them settle in quickly? We’d like to tell them as much as we can about your school and what life is really like there...

We will use the information you give us to write our school reviews and would like to be able to quote you as ‘a pupil’, but will never use your name. 

If any of your friends would be willing to fill out our questionnaire to tell us about their schools, do please forward them the link. If you have any questions or would like to know more about Talk Education, please email us at talk@talkeducation.com. 

Thank you very much for your help. 


1. Your name:


2. Your email address:


3. Your school’s name:


4. What are the three best things about your school, and why?


5. Please tell us about the admissions process.
Did you have to sit exams?
Did you have an interview?
If so, please tell us about them.


6. What advice would you give new students?
Is there anything you wish you’d known about the school before you joined?


7. How long did it take you to settle in?
Who helped you?
Who do you go to if you have a problem?


8. Please tell us about your headteacher.


9. Have any members of staff made a particular difference to your time at the school?
If so, please tell us about them.


10. For boarding schools: what is boarding life like at your school?
If you chose your boarding house, how did you choose and did you make the right choice?


11. What is the food like?
What’s the best thing on the menu?


12. Can you tell us any school slang or traditions?


13. If you were head for a day, what would you change?


14. Where are you aiming for when you leave your school?
How has your school prepared you for the next step in your education, and for the rest of your life?


15. Is there anything else you would like to tell us?

By completing this questionnaire, I give Talk Education the right to use the information, anonymously, in its editorial content.