Thank you for taking on such an amazing challenge and raising money for Alzheimer's Society! We have some free running training sessions coming up to help you with your preparation for the big day!


Virtual sessions

Our virtual sessions will be held on Zoom, and cover the following topics:

-  Monday 14th October 2024 - How to build your training, where you want to be by January, nutrition, recovery and injury prevention.
 - Monday 13th January 2025 - How to build your training, choose the right training plan, nutrition, recovery and injury prevention
 - Monday 24th February 2025 - Long runs and how to build back from any missed training or injury.
 - Monday 24th March 2025 - Tapering, getting it right on race day and some top tips.

At each session we will offer some fundraising tips and the links for the virtual sessions will be emailed out a day or two before the event date, please note we will not be providing recordings of the sessions after the sessions.

In person training day

We will also be holding an in person running training session in London (EC3N 2AE) on Saturday 1st February 2025 10am-4pm, this will cover:

- How to train in a busy world
- A practical running session with our coaches
- Stretching
- Injury prevention
- Nutrition
- Hydration
- Tapering 
- Time to ask any questions you might have
- Fundraising hints and tips 

1. Which training sessions would you like to register for? *


My Details 

We need a few details about you so we can contact you about your event.  To find out more about how we use your personal information please take a look at our supporter privacy statement

2. First Name *


3. Last Name *


4. Email *


5. Mobile number *


6. Which event are you taking part in for Alzheimer's Society? *


7. Do you have any topics or specific questions you would like covered or answered in the sessions?