Orkney Islands Council Draft Sustainable Procurement Policy 2024 Consultation Questionnaire
1. Intro

This policy sets out the general principles that the Council will follow across all of its procurement and commissioning activities to ensure that it is undertaken in a sustainable manner. 

It sets out how OIC will plan and manage its procurement activities to meet the Council’s corporate aims and objectives and comply with regulatory and legislative requirements.

This policy supports the commitment to sustainable procurement which is set out in the Council’s Corporate Procurement Strategy 2023 -2028.


It is intended for all of those who are involved in, or affected by, the Council’s procurement activities throughout our community and beyond.


Orkney Islands Councils spends tens of millions of pounds each year on a diverse range of goods, services and works from third parties. It is important therefore that this spending power is used to support key Council objectives. This sustainable procurement policy has been developed to help the Council to meet its legal duties and to deliver its key strategic objectives and sits alongside a  separate Community Benefits Policy which has been developed specifically for use in planning and wind farm developments.


Sustainable procurement supports the Council’s values, as outlined in Orkney Islands Council’s Delivery Plan 2023-2028.

 Procurement is a key enabler across all the above Council’s priorities.

  • The aims are what the Council want to achieve, and the outcomes are the positive changes we are working towards for the benefit of our communities.
  • Transforming our council – to provide the foundations for staff to deliver outstanding customer service and performance.
  • Growing our economy
  • Strengthening our communities (includes being on track to become net zero by 2030).
  • Developing our infrastructure.

The three priority themes are built upon core principles, which will guide future decision-making relating to all our aims.

The core principles are as follows:

  • Protecting our environment and combating climate change.
  • Equality, fairness and inclusion: in particular for vulnerable and remote communities like the ferry linked isles.
  • Sustainable and accessible services for all.
  • Community wellbeing and mental health.
  • Community wealth building for future generations.

The Policy outlines how sustainable procurement supports and contributes to the implementation of the Council’s Delivery Plan 2023 – 2028.


We are keen to hear your views on the Consultative Draft Sustainable Procurement Policy. To make it easier for you to comment the following questionnaire has been produced. We welcome your feedback on what we are proposing and would be grateful if you could complete the survey either using this document or through the on line survey by close of business 6 September 2024.