Sustainability Behavioural Research

On behalf of the NPCC & APCC Sustainability Programme we would like to understand your views on sustainability activity and impacts on your role. 

You can answer this survey anonymously, however, if you would like to potentially take part in future focus groups please fill in your contact details. 



Email address


Organisation *


Role *


Age *


Length of service in force / fire: *


How concerned are you about the global climate emergency? *


How knowledgeable are you about the global climate emergency? *


What do you think about the following sustainability impacts? *

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeither agree nor disagreeAgreeStrongly agreeDon't know
I often consider the sustainability impacts of choices I make at work
I personally feel responsible to make more sustainable (economic, environmental and ethical) choices
I understand the sustainability (economic, environmental and ethical) impacts that my role creates

What sustainability, environmental, carbon reduction initiatives are you aware of in your organisation? Select all that apply. *


How easy is it for you to do the following at work? *

Very EasyEasyNeutralDifficultVery DifficultDon't know
Suggest environmentally friendly changes to working practices
Work from home
Print less
Attend meetings online
Travel less

What environmental sustainability initiatives would you like to see in your organisation? Select your top two preferred options. *

Sustainable energy / estates decarbonisation & renewablesSustainable waste / recycling & reuseSustainable travel / fleet decarbonisationSustainable water / grey water systems
Priority #1
Priority #2

What social sustainability initiatives would you like to see in your organisation? Select your top two preferred options. *

Flexible / home workingLeadership / learningCommunity projects / volunteeringSustainability partnerships / collaborations
Priority #1
Priority #2

What economic sustainability initiatives would you like to see in your organisation? Select your top two preferred options. *

Sustainable financeSustainable procurement / supply chainLocal suppliers / use of small/medium sized enterprisesWhole life costing (from purchase to disposal)
Priority #1
Priority #2

In a scenario where you had never worked in policing and were looking to start your career with a police force, how important would the sustainable actions and initiatives of the force be to you when deciding on an employer? *

Thank you for your time, we appreciate your in put into our sustainability behavioural survey