"How can I keep my ideals and still teach?" - Call for participants


1. Are you eligible and able to participate in this research?


The purpose of this survey

The purpose of this survey is to recruit people to take part in a participatory research project. The project will explore the difficult experiences of teachers and trainee teachers, and also what could help more teachers thrive within the system. Eligible respondents will be invited to attend a two-day participatory workshop in Birmingham, UK (food and accomodation provided).

This survey will check whether you are eligible to take part. At the end, eligible respondents can choose to submit their contact details so that the research team can send them further information about the research and seek formal consent to participate.


Unfortunately, for ethical reasons, we can only invite people who meet certain criteria to take part in the workshops:
  • You MUST HAVE at some point been a trainee or student teacher (whether or not you completed the course, and whether or not you are currently working as a teacher)
  • You MUST NOT currently be in your ITE and NQT years.
  • You MUST NEVER HAVE BEEN a student or member of staff at Newman University, Birmingham
Please select the answer which best fits your situation: *

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