Whether you are a regular or occasional visitor to St Nicholas Park, we want your views on the park, what bits you love, and what your view is on improvements that we might make in the future.
This survey has been developed by Warwick District Council Green Spaces Team. It is especially important to the Council that younger members of our community engage with this survey, and it is hoped that younger children can be assisted by an adult to complete the survey. This will help ensure that we invest in the improvements that park users like you want the most.
The findings from this survey will help shape future projects in St Nicholas Park, Warwick over the coming years, including the new play area and facilities on the site, and be used in reports for Committees, Cabinet, Council and grant applications.
The survey results will be available on the Warwick District Council website once the information has been collated.
The deadline to respond back to this survey is Friday 28 February 2025.
If you have any questions or queries regarding this questionnaire, please contact Sally Watts in the Green Spaces team at Warwick District Council at greenspaces@warwickdc.gov.uk
Please can you return the completed questionnaire to the place you picked it up from. If this is not possible, please post it to:
The Green Space Team,
Warwick District Council,
Town Hall, Parade
Royal Leamington Spa
CV32 4AT.
Thank you.