Stewarton Community Action Plan 2023-2028 Household Survey

What is this questionnaire? 
Are you a resident in Stewarton?
Your Community Needs YOU!

As many of you know we have a vibrant community already with lots going on.
We need your help to identify what needs improved in our community over the next 5 years and help us build a plan to attract funding to make it happen!
What are we looking for?
Your views and opinions on what you think would make your community a better place to live in, work in and visit. Please complete the attached survey to make your voice heard!
What will we use this for?
This information will be used to develop a five year action plan for the Stewarton community. This five year plan will be shaped by and for our community, we will have the opportunity to develop a community that meets our needs through the compilation of your views. We also aim to involve all our young people, businesses and key stakeholders to ensure we reach every corner of our community!
How will you know the outcome?
The findings of these surveys and further community consultations will be presented at an open event which will be held in 2023. This is a chance for the community see what the results of the consultations are and vote on what they feel are the top priorities needing to be addressed for our community. All welcome!

This survey will be available in hard copy, online through smart survey QR Code and we would encourage everyone in the household to complete this.
For further information please contact:
Arlene Hodgart Community Worker -
Kirsty Gemmell Secretary - 

We cannot do this without your help and support – your views matter!  Please take time to complete the surveys or online.
Thank you!
We would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to answer the questions in this survey.  We want to find out what local people in Stewarton think about their community and how you feel it could be improved.  This information will be used to develop a five year action plan to improve the area and make it better for you to live in, work in or visit.
Your views really matter!
This survey is being carried out by Stewarton Initiatives, which is a combination of local volunteers from groups, businesses and residents from Stewarton.

1. What do you like about Stewarton?


2. What don’t you like about Stewarton?


3. What would make Stewarton better to live in, work in or visit?


4. What are the priorities for Action?


5. Stewarton needs vision! What would you wish Stewarton to be like by 2028?



6. What would make Stewarton more greener, eco-friendly and sustainable?


7. It would help if we know where views are coming from, so we would be grateful if you could tell us:
Which age band you are in (please tick)


8. Are you:  


Where do you live?
(please provide us with your house no. and postcode as we want to ensure we get a wide representation from across Stewarton)