Hello, we have a diverse student population at Heriot-Watt University (HWU) and it’s important our marketing activity reflects this. We are gathering testimonials from current students to use for a range of marketing activities across print and digital channels and we would like to hear from you.

Interested in getting involved? All you need to do is fill in our short questionnaire about your student experience and upload a headshot. 

Your personal information.
Your information will be held securely and only the HWU Marketing Team will have access to it for the purpose of producing print and digital testimonials. Our privacy notice for current students can be found here.

If you have any questions email: marketing@hw.ac.uk

Thank you,
Heriot-Watt University's Marketing Team

1. What is your full name (first and surname)? *


2. What is your HWU email address? *


3. Are you originally from ...? *


4. What campus are you studying at within the UK? *


5. What level are you studying? *


6. What degree are you studying e.g. BSc Psychology? *

In the following section we would like you to be as descriptive as possible, providing at least two or three sentences for each question.

7. Why did you decide to study at Heriot-Watt University? Please add as much detail as you can about the deciding factors. *


8. What aspects of your degree really appeal to you? Please add as much detail as you can. *


9. Outside of your studies, what do you like most about Heriot-Watt University? Please add as much detail as you can. *


10. Optional question: What would you say to people considering studying at Heriot-Watt University?


11. As mentioned, we require a headshot of you. This does not need to be a formal headshot and can be one of you in a social setting but please do not include pictures with obvious filters or selfies. Please upload your photo here (note the maximum size is 5MB). *

Choose File

12. In order to use your feedback as testimonials we need your permission for use across various marketing media.

Heriot-Watt University will hold images/and recordings in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 and other applicable privacy laws. Further information about your rights under data protection law is here:  

Please read through the statements below.
  • I understand that I have the right to withdraw my consent and to object to further processing of my images/recordings at any time by emailing dataprotection@hw.ac.uk
  • I understand that if the University has already used recordings of me in print or broadcast media it may not be possible to delete them from these publications. However, the University will take all reasonable steps to stop using the recordings again unless it can demonstrate overriding public interest or other compelling legitimate grounds for continuing to process the data.
  • I understand that the Marketing Team may reword or take isolated snippets of my answers for clarity.
  • If I wish to find out more or have any concerns about the use of my personal data I can contact the Data Protection Officer, Information Governance, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh EH14 4AS dataprotection@hw.ac.uk
Please select 'Yes' if you are happy to permit us to use your images and comments in our marketing materials. *


13. We are also looking to invite students to provide a short video testimonial for us. It would be a 30 second video created on your device telling us more about your student experience. You may even be invited to film on campus.

For this additional effort you would receive a £20 voucher to thank you for your time. If we have a large amount of interest, we may not be able to invite you to participate. We would be in contact with you to do with this in the next two months.

Would you be interested in being invited to participate?

Please click on the 'Finish Survey' button below to submit your responses.