Stakeholder survey


1. About you
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This survey is to help inform the redesign of STaRS which includes all elements of drug and alcohol treatment and recovery services in Staffordshire (Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Burton Addiction Centre, Chase Recovery and Betterway Recovery).

We are keen to hear from those that work alongside our services in the public sector and health system so we can continually develop and provide high quality care and support.


1. Please tell us about you *


2. How have you worked with the drug and alcohol services in Staffordshire? (please tick all that apply) *


3. Do you believe you have all the information you need to work with drug and alcohol treatment and support services? *


4. Thinking about how the wider service works with you, your team or your organisation at the moment, what works well? 
Please explain why. *


5. Thinking about how the wider service works with you, your team or your organisation at the moment, what would you change? 
Please explain why. *