This survey is to gauge interest in a new collaboration, jobs, and social platform for Deep Funding and the SingularityNET / ASI ecosystem more widely. This could potentially boost engagement and activity within the ecosystem, but we are not sure whether the community would use the platform, so we would like to first consult you before we start building!
It will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. Halfway through the survey, we present 4 concept screens we designed for you. We would love to hear your first reaction!
Your answers will remain confidential. Data will remain anonymous, and identifiable information will only be shared with the collaboration platform team (Jan Horlings, Rafael Cardoso, and Esther Galfalvi).
If you change your mind and would like us to withdraw your response from the survey, contact Esther at within one week of submission.
3. What is your occupation?
4. What is your relationship to SingularityNET?
5. Would you like to have a collaboration, jobs, and networking platform for SingularityNET?
6. If you could have anything you wanted in such a platform, what would you find most useful?