This question requires an answer
1. Please indicate which development pathway you wish to follow: *
2. If you are an Experienced Care Worker, how soon do you want to work?
This question requires an answer
3. How many hours are you seeking to work? (tick all that apply) *
This question requires an answer
4. On which days are you available? (tick all that apply) *
This question requires an answer
5. Please indicate your preference for shifts (tick all that apply) *
This question requires an answer
6. Please indicate which area you would like to work in: *
This question requires an answer
7. My name is (first name and surname): *
This question requires an answer
8. Please provide your full address including postcode: *
This question requires an answer
9. Are you over 18 years old? *
This question requires an answer
The answer is in an invalid format.
10. What is your email address? *
This question requires an answer
11. What is the best telephone number to contact you on? *
This question requires an answer
This question requires an answer
13. Do you have a UK Driving Licence and access to a car? and Have you already done some Care / Medical / First Aid Training *
This question requires an answer
14. Where did you hear about the Wake Up 2 Care Initiative? *
This question requires an answer
Data Privacy, Information Sharing & Client Consent
Data Privacy and Information Sharing
We will handle the information you have provided in line with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. Any personal information will be held in confidence with only the necessary people able to see or use it.
Please note that as part of the service we offer, we will share your details and references with prospective employers or other agencies. The employers or agencies will in return share basic information about you with us so that we can see if we are having an impact.
If you obtain employment through this programme, we may contact you or your employer for confirmation that you have secured, and remained in, employment. For funding purposes, we may share data with your local authority .
In addition, your details and CV may be forwarded to employers using non secure email.
By completing this form you are confirming that you have the right to work in the UK and you understand that any prospective employers will need to check the relevant documentation to confirm this.
You have also confirmed that you have read the statement above; you have had the reasons for information sharing explained to you and you understand those reasons; and that the information you have entered in the form above is correct: *