1. Shoreham Survey 2025


Welcome to the Shoreham Survey 2025. There are 15 simple questions asking about your views, concerns and wishes about Shoreham as a whole and the particular area that you live in. All the questions are optional and the survey is completely anonymous, but if you want to be contacted please provide your details towards the end of the survey. It should only take you a few minutes to complete. Many thanks.


1. How much do you agree with each of these statements?

Strongly agreeSomewhat agreeNeither agree nor disagreeSomewhat disagreeStrongly disagree
Pavements are safe and adequately maintained
I would use public transport more if it met my needs
Recent new buildings have been well designed and built
There is a good range of shops in the town centre for my needs
There should be a public subway at Shoreham station
My views about future building developments are listened to
There are enough safe cycle paths
Air pollution in Shoreham is damaging my health
There are enough car parking spaces in the town centre
The natural environment of Shoreham is its most important asset
Use our survey software to create your survey.