Schools Music Education Self-Assessment

1. About this self-assessment

This is a self-assessment form and therefore a substantial document to cover all aspects of music provision.  Please work through the pages and questions carefully and as honestly as possible as this will enable better support to be given.  You can complete it over time if you need to check information and a reminder link will be sent.  We are aiming to have all self-assessments completed as soon as possible, ideally by the end of February.  If you have any difficulties please email and we will provide support.

You can use this form as an individual school or a Trust Lead for Music to record information which will:
- self-assess your music provision in school
- benchmark your own provision against National Plan for Music Education Objectives for schools
- Provide a copy at the end for use in school music development planning to meet National Plan requirements (if you are unable to do this, please ask the Hub to send a copy to you by emailing
- Automatically share this with the Music Education Hub for Cambridgeshire so that you can engage in development support conversations.  The hub will create a set of development areas from your information for your own use in shaping your development plan, within a template format that you can easily edit.
- Check progress by re-assessing over time

If completing as a Trust Lead - it is suggested that you adopt one of the following methods of assessing depending on the question:
- what you expect based on Trust information provided already to your schools about music development
- your knowledge of all your schools taken as an average
- your knowledge of the minimum level of development across your schools

How the data is used:
- the data is stored and managed under Cambridgeshire Music's Privacy notice available online at
- your individual data is only available to you and the Music Education Hub and will not be shared with anyone else
- The Hub will use the information provided as part of support conversations for school music development or to produce anonymised summaries of overall assessment of provision.

1. About you - please enter information so that you have a record of who completed the self-assessment and background information and the Hub is aware of the main contact for any requested follow up discussion. *


2. Are you completing this on behalf of a multi-academy trust or the local authority to cover a group of individual schools (e.g. a Trust/Authority level assessment) *