This lectureship award from the RSC Chemical Biology and Bioorganic Group (CBBG) is to recognise the excellent contributions of mid-career scientists to both research and to the UK community in chemical biology and bioorganic chemistry.

This prize will run annually and will consist of an invitation to give a key-note lecture at one of our flagship events (CBBG Postgraduate Symposium, CBBG Forum, Firbush meeting etc.).  The recipient of the award will be invited to present a key-note lecture on their work at a meeting sponsored by CBBG, at which a prize certificate will be presented. 

Please complete the below nomination form by 5pm (UK time) on  30 April 2025.



Nominations are open to any mid-career scientists as defined by existing RSC guidelines (typically no more than 20 years of full-time equivalent professional experience i.e. 20 years post PhD with flexibility for those who have taken career breaks). The prize is open to nominees working in the UK or Ireland only. Self-nomination and the nomination of others are both permitted but individuals should not be nominated for the same body of work already recognised by an RSC Award. Currently serving members of the CBBG committee are not eligible for nomination. Previously unsuccessful nominees are eligible provided they still fall within the eligibility criteria.

Notification will be made shortly after the consideration by CBBG committee members during July 2025.

Your full name (including title) *


Email address *


Are you nominating yourself for this award, or somebody else? *