OT Sensory - Parent Feedback


1. We welcome your feedback about the recent online session you took part in for our Children's Sensory Service. This helps us adapt and improve in the future.
How was your experience? *


2. Where did you hear about the Talking Sense online training?


3. Please tell us which of the online sessions you watched?


4. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the training videos?


5. How helpful did you find the training videos in understanding your child’s sensory needs?


6. How helpful did you find the sensory strategies discussed in the videos in relation to your child’s needs?


7. Did you feel there were some advantages to having the training available online?


8. Did you feel there were some disadvantages to having the training available online?


9. Was there anything we did not discuss in the videos which you had hoped would be included?


10. Do you have any other suggestions as to how this training can be improved?


11. And finally, the following questions help us know that we are listening to a diverse community.

How old are you?


12. What is your ethnic group?


13. What is your sex?


14. How do you identify?


15. Do you consider yourself to be?


16. Do you have a health problem or disability that limits your day to day activity?