HASSRA Falkirk Roller Disco sign-up
1. Event sign-up
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RollerBeats is an energetic, vibrant roller disco event, and we've booked an exclusive event for HASSRA Falkirk members.

Our first-ever Roller Disco event will be on Saturday 9th April, from 2pm to 3:30pm at the Woodlands Game Hall.


1. What is your name? *


2. What is your work email address? *


3. What is your personal email address (in case we need to contact you while you are off, or you leave DWP)?


4. What is your mobile number (for emergency use only)? *


5. What is your HASSRA Membership Number?

If you do not know your HASSRA membership number, you can view your membership number online.

6. How Many tickets would you like? *

Saturday 9th April 2022
Please note that tickets are first-come, first-served, subject to availability.

We now accept electronic payments - account details will be provided with the booking confirmation.