Rewilding Law Hub


User Survey


The rewilding law hub is an online resource centre for those wanting to manage land in accordance with rewilding principles, with information covering key legal aspects of rewilding across multiple jurisdictions. The rewilding law hub was created by The Lifescape Project in partnership with Rewilding Britain and Rewilding Europe (and their national teams) and includes a series of legal guidance notes. The notes are designed as a high-level overview for those undertaking rewilding activities and do not constitute legal advice Each note contains a summary of the relevant law and practical examples of how the law might apply to rewilding activities. They have been produced with the support of Clifford Chance LLP, Burness Paul LLP, PLMJ, and Police and Partners. 

Participant Information

This questionnaire is being distributed for the purpose of evaluating the impact and reach of the rewilding law hub and understanding how the rewilding law hub could be improved for the future. This questionnaire will help us to understand who is using the rewilding law hub, how users find out about the rewilding law hub, how the rewilding law hub is used and how useful users find the rewilding law hub as a resource.   

We invite individuals that are aware of and have used the resources on the rewilding law hub to take part.  This questionnaire should be completed by individuals 18 years of age or older.  

This questionnaire has 3 sections and should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete. It involves 15 questions split into sections on your role, use of the rewilding law hub and opinions on the rewilding law hub. Participation in this study is voluntary, and you can leave the questionnaire at any time by clicking the ‘x’ button in the top right of the screen. If you leave the questionnaire your data will not be collected. 

The data collected will be used in an analysis to explore the topics referred to above.   

If you would like a copy of this information, or have any questions about the questionnaire, please contact Catarina Prata (Rewilding Lawyer, or Katherine Blatchford (Rewilding Lawyer,  

For answers to questions regarding a particular matter about the questionnaire or participants’ rights, or to register a complaint, please contact Stephanie Smith (Managing Lawyer, 


Informed consent

Please only complete this questionnaire if you agree to the following statements:

I confirm I have read and understood the information above.

I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to stop completing the questionnaire and withdraw at any time without giving a reason. 

I understand that my anonymised responses may be uploaded to an online data repository. I understand the data is stored in accordance with Lifescape's Privacy Policy (available by request).

I agree to take part in the above questionnaire.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information and for your consideration of taking part in this study.


Please check this box if you have read and agree to the statements above and understand by completing this questionnaire you are providing informed consent.  *