Reigate & Banstead Borough Council provides a wide range of services and activities that benefit those who live in the borough. We want to hear your views on life in the borough and the services we provide.
The feedback from this survey will help us to plan our services. It will also form part of annual reporting on our Corporate Plan for 2025-2030.
The survey will close at 12 noon on Monday 17th February 2025. This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
You can use this survey to comment on any or all issues you’ve experienced or give other feedback. You can skip questions that are not relevant to you.
If you have any queries, or want to request a copy of the survey in an alternative format, please email engagement@reigate-banstead.gov.uk or contact the customer contact centre by telephone on 01737 276 000 or via SMS if you are deaf or hard of hearing on 07834626468 (Monday - Friday between 10am and 4pm).
Prize draw
At the end of the survey, you will be invited to enter an optional prize draw, with a chance to win a £50 Love2Shop voucher (redeemable at many popular high street and online stores). You will be asked to provide your email address in order for us to contact winners. Further detail about the prize draw can be found at the end of the survey.
Data protection
This survey includes optional questions inviting you to provide your email address or phone number and will only be used to contact winners of the prize draw. No other personal identifiable data will be collected. Data will only be held while we undertake this work. Data will not be shared with a third party.
If you have any queries about how the council uses personal data, please read our privacy notice or contact our data protection officer on data.protection@reigate-banstead.gov.uk.