Quarterly bus fares statistics user engagement

1. Quarterly bus fares user engagement

The quarterly bus fare statistics uses data collected from local bus operators to create a local bus fares index and provide insight into changes in the cost of bus fares on fare paying passengers.

The bus statistics team is seeking feedback on the quarterly bus fare statistics to determine if any changes should be implemented.

This short survey will allow bus fare statistics users to provide their views on the value of these statistics and whether this statistical table meets their needs. Any feedback provided will help inform the future design and development of these statistics. Current published tables can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/bus-statistics.



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2. Please provide further details about yourself, to help us understand who our users are. Please provide your email address if you wish to be informed about the outcome of this user engagement, or are happy for us to contact you regarding your responses. For more information about Department for Transport’s privacy policy please see: DfT online form and survey privacy notice.


3. What is your view on the frequency of the bus fare statistics?


4. Under the Code of Practice for Statistics we are required to consider the appropriateness of any burden these statistics might place on those we gather data from, as well as upon the DfT as its producer, in proportion to the benefits arising from use of the statistics. With that in mind what impact would a reduction in the frequency of these statistics have upon your work?


5. For what purpose have you used or could you use these bus fare statistics?


6. In general, how well do the bus fare statistics meet your needs?


7. Finally, any other suggestions. We welcome any other thoughts or ideas you might have for improving any aspect of the quarterly bus fares release. If you can provide brief details here, we will consider any suggestions.