Bristol Quality of Life Survey 2024

Make an impact:
Tell us about life in Bristol

This is a survey for residents of Bristol aged 16 years and over, to help us

   understand where you think we should spend time and money
   consider the issues most important to you
   ensure that all communities in Bristol have their voice heard

This survey is a chance for you to tell us what you think, and help shape local services.

Note: some questions are of a personal nature, so we can look at the impact of people's circumstances in areas such as health and wellbeing, where the council has a Public Health responsibility. All information you give is anonymous and confidential
Please note we need your age, sex, and full postcode or we will not be able to include your answers in the overall results. 

Our privacy notice explains how we process your data. If you need this survey in a different format, or other help with completing the survey:
phone: 0117 922 2980 or email:

The closing date for this survey is Monday, 28 October 2024.

To begin the survey, please click the Start survey button below.

Note: For an interactive Easy Read version of the survey, please <click here>.

Download the Easy Read survey to a desktop or laptop. Complete the survey and save it with your answers.

Email the completed survey to us at