PAHO/WHO Triage Tool - Prevention and management of conflicts of interest in the policy development and implementation of nutrition programs at country level
1. PAHO/WHO Triage Tool
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Assessment of potential and existing engagements between Ministry of Health and external actors
The objective of this triage tool is to provide guiding questions to help officials reach a decision regarding potential or current engagement between the Ministry of Health and external actors. This triage tool links to the WHO draft approach for the prevention and management of conflicts of interest in the policy development and implementation of nutrition programs at country level (
It was designed to ease the assessment and decision-making process by taking a first level triage. It does not replace the full draft approach tool of WHO.
The tool is intended to be used by government officials (e.g. Ministry of Health) responsible for reaching or recommending a decision on a potential or existing engagement with external actors aiming to prevent conflicts of interest.
If you have any questions about the tool please contact: Fabio da Silva Gomes ( and Rossela Negri Yuffra (
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